Letter Fridge by "Candywriter" answers, cheats, solutions for all leves in Peanuts Pack. On this page you'll find the answers for all the levels in Peanuts Pack. Leave a comment if some of them are wrong or different from your grid and I will fix it as soon as possible.
If you are looking for a different level, just click on "Select A Different Pack" link on the bottom of this post, and you will find there a list with all the levels in Letter Fridge.
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 2 Answers: Drip, Pad, Arid, Gad, Gird, Pair, Rid, Grid, Rad, Drag, Dip, Air, Grip, Dig, Raid, Paid, Rag, Rip, Rapid, Rig, Gap, Aid, Pig, Par, Rap
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 3 Answers: Lows, Owls, Sow, Wise, Owl, Owes, Lies, Wile, Oils, Sew, Oil, Isle, Woe, Lose, Slow, Owe, Slew, Silo, Sole, Woes, Soil, Lie, Wiles, Low, Lei
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 4 Answers: Lye, Lop, Lap, Yap, Pale, Pea, Lay, Pole, Ale, Aloe, Pay, Peal, Play, Ploy, Ape, Opal, Plea, Yea, Yelp, Lope, Alp, Pal, Leap, Ply, Aye
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 5 Answers: Limes, Mule, Lies, Isle, Mules, Smile, Lieu, Mile, Emu, Muse, Lime, Slime, Elm, Semi, Sum, Elms, Sue, Lie, Miles, Muesli, Slum, Emus, Use, Slim, Lei
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 6 Answers: Urn, Undo, Bond, Rod, Drub, Rub, Burn, Don, Our, Nod, Nor, Orb, Bun, Nub, Dub, Born, Bro, Run, Rob, Bud, Round, Dour, Duo, Bound, Dun
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 7 Answers: Lead, Tale, Teal, Tau, Tad, Ale, Dealt, Lad, Dale, Due, Duel, Let, Delta, Date, Deal, Adult, Lute, Eat, Led, Duet, Dual, Tea, Lade, Late, Laud, Ate
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 8 Answers: Van, Net, Tea, Nag, Ate, Vat, Age, Tan, Ante, Gent, Tag, Gnat, Gave, Nave, Vet, Ten, Tang, Gate, Eat, Neat, Vent, Get, Vane, Ant, Vegan, Agent
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 9 Answers: Date, Tad, Ante, Dean, Nay, Any, Eat, Yea, Deny, Dye, Ten, And, End, Yet, Net, Ate, Neat, Aye, Day, Ant, Tend, Tan, Tea, Den, Yen, Dent
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 10 Answers: Ton, Ant, Pat, Pad, Opt, Dot, Tan, Top, Pod, Pot, Tap, Adopt, Atop, Toad, And, Nap, Apt, Pant, Nod, Not, Don, Oat, Pond, Pan, Ado, Tad
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 11 Answers: Gosh, Hoed, She, Shoe, Goes, Ego, Shoed, Gods, Sod, Hog, Hoes, Hosed, Does, Dog, Ode, Shed, Dose, Doges, Doe, God, Odes, Hoe, Hose, Dogs, Shod, Hogs
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 12 Answers: Hubs, She, Rebus, Her, Use, Hue, Herbs, Rue, Rubs, Rues, Sub, Bush, Herb, Hers, Usher, User, Sure, Rush, Rub, Shrub, Bus, Hub, Hues, Ruse, Brush, Sue
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 13 Answers: Ingot, Gin, Its, Ingots, Nit, Sot, Sit, Ton, Tons, Tongs, Sing, Not, Nits, Sting, Ion, Song, Ions, Gist, Got, Tin, Sign, Tins, Son, Sin, Into, Gins
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 14 Answers: Owes, Woe, Sew, Hoes, Whose, Has, Whoa, Hose, Ash, Awe, Saw, Wash, Shoe, She, Shaw, Sow, Woes, Who, Awes, Was, Hoe, Owe, Sea, Hew, Show, How
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 15 Answers: Vaned, Nave, Ate, Net, Tan, Ante, Vet, Den, And, Van, Tea, Vend, Eat, Vat, Vent, Ten, Advent, Vane, Dent, Date, Ant, Tend, Neat, Tad, End, Dean
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 16 Answers: Red, Roe, Dour, Herd, Rode, Doer, Hue, Doe, Hour, Horde, Ode, Rude, Duo, Redo, Hoe, Hoed, Euro, Rued, Our, Rue, Rod, Her, Ore, Hero, Rho, Due
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 17 Answers: And, Are, Nerd, Adder, Dander, Dread, Dad, Near, Dare, Earn, Dared, Darn, Read, Dean, Era, Ran, Rad, Dead, Red, End, Add, Dear, Rand, Ear, Den, Darned
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 18 Answers: Rue, Ace, Are, Mare, Acme, Cram, Cue, Arm, Ear, Emu, Cream, Care, Cur, Rum, Acre, Era, Ream, Came, Urea, Arc, Ram, Race, Car, Mace, Cure, Mar
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 19 Answers: Mat, Tab, Meat, Ate, Abut, Tub, Tuba, Bet, Eat, Bum, Met, Mute, But, Emu, Abet, Team, Beau, Bat, Tea, Tame, Beta, Beat, Mate, Beam, Bate, Tau, Tube
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 20 Answers: Dot, End, Doe, Tend, Net, Dote, Don, Next, Not, Eon, Toned, One, Dent, Noted, Ten, Tone, Oxen, Detox, Toe, Ton, Toed, Node, Ode, Note, Nod, Den, Done
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 21 Answers: Sore, Roe, Cores, Sot, Rot, Sect, Crest, Tore, Rose, Cost, Toe, Rest, Set, Rots, Core, Corset, Ore, Ores, Sector, Rote, Sort, Score, Store, Cot, Escort, Toes, Cots
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 22 Answers: Rot, Rout, Met, Route, True, Mote, Toe, Rue, Metro, Roe, Mort, Emu, Tumor, Out, Rum, Tome, Rut, Mute, Euro, More, Rote, Our, Tore, Tour, Outer, Term, Ore
Letter Fridge Peanuts Pack Answers, Cheats, Solutions for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Note: This is "Letter Fridge" by "Candywriter, LLC"
If you are looking for a different level, just click on "Select A Different Pack" link on the bottom of this post, and you will find there a list with all the levels in Letter Fridge.
Letter Fridge Peanuts Answers
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 1 Answers: Dies, Dish, Hides, Ides, Hid, Hike, Die, Dike, She, Sheik, Hikes, Hide, Kid, Shied, Disk, Shed, Skid, Skied, Dikes, Hiked, Ski, Desk, Kids, His, SideLetter Fridge Peanuts Level 2 Answers: Drip, Pad, Arid, Gad, Gird, Pair, Rid, Grid, Rad, Drag, Dip, Air, Grip, Dig, Raid, Paid, Rag, Rip, Rapid, Rig, Gap, Aid, Pig, Par, Rap
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 3 Answers: Lows, Owls, Sow, Wise, Owl, Owes, Lies, Wile, Oils, Sew, Oil, Isle, Woe, Lose, Slow, Owe, Slew, Silo, Sole, Woes, Soil, Lie, Wiles, Low, Lei
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 4 Answers: Lye, Lop, Lap, Yap, Pale, Pea, Lay, Pole, Ale, Aloe, Pay, Peal, Play, Ploy, Ape, Opal, Plea, Yea, Yelp, Lope, Alp, Pal, Leap, Ply, Aye
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 5 Answers: Limes, Mule, Lies, Isle, Mules, Smile, Lieu, Mile, Emu, Muse, Lime, Slime, Elm, Semi, Sum, Elms, Sue, Lie, Miles, Muesli, Slum, Emus, Use, Slim, Lei
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 6 Answers: Urn, Undo, Bond, Rod, Drub, Rub, Burn, Don, Our, Nod, Nor, Orb, Bun, Nub, Dub, Born, Bro, Run, Rob, Bud, Round, Dour, Duo, Bound, Dun
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 7 Answers: Lead, Tale, Teal, Tau, Tad, Ale, Dealt, Lad, Dale, Due, Duel, Let, Delta, Date, Deal, Adult, Lute, Eat, Led, Duet, Dual, Tea, Lade, Late, Laud, Ate
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 8 Answers: Van, Net, Tea, Nag, Ate, Vat, Age, Tan, Ante, Gent, Tag, Gnat, Gave, Nave, Vet, Ten, Tang, Gate, Eat, Neat, Vent, Get, Vane, Ant, Vegan, Agent
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 9 Answers: Date, Tad, Ante, Dean, Nay, Any, Eat, Yea, Deny, Dye, Ten, And, End, Yet, Net, Ate, Neat, Aye, Day, Ant, Tend, Tan, Tea, Den, Yen, Dent
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 10 Answers: Ton, Ant, Pat, Pad, Opt, Dot, Tan, Top, Pod, Pot, Tap, Adopt, Atop, Toad, And, Nap, Apt, Pant, Nod, Not, Don, Oat, Pond, Pan, Ado, Tad
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 11 Answers: Gosh, Hoed, She, Shoe, Goes, Ego, Shoed, Gods, Sod, Hog, Hoes, Hosed, Does, Dog, Ode, Shed, Dose, Doges, Doe, God, Odes, Hoe, Hose, Dogs, Shod, Hogs
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 12 Answers: Hubs, She, Rebus, Her, Use, Hue, Herbs, Rue, Rubs, Rues, Sub, Bush, Herb, Hers, Usher, User, Sure, Rush, Rub, Shrub, Bus, Hub, Hues, Ruse, Brush, Sue
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 13 Answers: Ingot, Gin, Its, Ingots, Nit, Sot, Sit, Ton, Tons, Tongs, Sing, Not, Nits, Sting, Ion, Song, Ions, Gist, Got, Tin, Sign, Tins, Son, Sin, Into, Gins
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 14 Answers: Owes, Woe, Sew, Hoes, Whose, Has, Whoa, Hose, Ash, Awe, Saw, Wash, Shoe, She, Shaw, Sow, Woes, Who, Awes, Was, Hoe, Owe, Sea, Hew, Show, How
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 15 Answers: Vaned, Nave, Ate, Net, Tan, Ante, Vet, Den, And, Van, Tea, Vend, Eat, Vat, Vent, Ten, Advent, Vane, Dent, Date, Ant, Tend, Neat, Tad, End, Dean
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 16 Answers: Red, Roe, Dour, Herd, Rode, Doer, Hue, Doe, Hour, Horde, Ode, Rude, Duo, Redo, Hoe, Hoed, Euro, Rued, Our, Rue, Rod, Her, Ore, Hero, Rho, Due
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 17 Answers: And, Are, Nerd, Adder, Dander, Dread, Dad, Near, Dare, Earn, Dared, Darn, Read, Dean, Era, Ran, Rad, Dead, Red, End, Add, Dear, Rand, Ear, Den, Darned
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 18 Answers: Rue, Ace, Are, Mare, Acme, Cram, Cue, Arm, Ear, Emu, Cream, Care, Cur, Rum, Acre, Era, Ream, Came, Urea, Arc, Ram, Race, Car, Mace, Cure, Mar
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 19 Answers: Mat, Tab, Meat, Ate, Abut, Tub, Tuba, Bet, Eat, Bum, Met, Mute, But, Emu, Abet, Team, Beau, Bat, Tea, Tame, Beta, Beat, Mate, Beam, Bate, Tau, Tube
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 20 Answers: Dot, End, Doe, Tend, Net, Dote, Don, Next, Not, Eon, Toned, One, Dent, Noted, Ten, Tone, Oxen, Detox, Toe, Ton, Toed, Node, Ode, Note, Nod, Den, Done
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 21 Answers: Sore, Roe, Cores, Sot, Rot, Sect, Crest, Tore, Rose, Cost, Toe, Rest, Set, Rots, Core, Corset, Ore, Ores, Sector, Rote, Sort, Score, Store, Cot, Escort, Toes, Cots
Letter Fridge Peanuts Level 22 Answers: Rot, Rout, Met, Route, True, Mote, Toe, Rue, Metro, Roe, Mort, Emu, Tumor, Out, Rum, Tome, Rut, Mute, Euro, More, Rote, Our, Tore, Tour, Outer, Term, Ore
Letter Fridge Peanuts Pack Answers, Cheats, Solutions for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Note: This is "Letter Fridge" by "Candywriter, LLC"