Elden Ring the massive Open World RPG is here but many people are experiencing massive stutter and frame loss while trying to enjoy it. Today show you how to fix this common issue through various means. Feel free to try them one by one or apply them all as I walk you through the easiest way to get Elden Ring running buttery smooth and to fix the FPS problem plaguing the PC version. There is no reason to not sit back and enjoy the wonderful world of the Lands Between and here is how you do it:
The number one factor seems to be coming from shader processing and performance, so here is a quick fix and the one that worked for me, now granted this only applies to NVIDIA graphics cards, but there will be other fixes later in the video. If you have an NVIDIA card though, try this fix first.
Go to your Nvidia Control Panel and under MANAGE 3D Settings make sure you are on the Global Settings tab and scroll down to SHADER CACHE SIZE and change it to UNLIMITED. Click apply and now relaunch Elden Ring and see if that fixed it for you.
Another Nvidia fix is regarding Vsync. Once again go into the Nvidia Control Panel, MANAGE 3D Settings - Program Settings - Add - Elden Ring (eldenring.exe) scroll down to Vsync and set it to Fast and hit Apply.
Now launch up Elden Ring and see if the stutter issue is fixed!
If that doesn't work or perhaps you don't have an NVIDIA card, here is another fix many are having success with. Go to your windows bar and search for Graphics, click on Graphics Settings, Make sure it is on Desktop app here and click browse. Go through and find your game file and select it then click options here and set for high performance.
And lastly, you can press Windows key + X at the same time, click device manager then software devices, then right click Microsoft Device Association Root Enumerator and right click it and disable it.