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FIFA 22 - How to get 100% Achievements


FIFA 22 - How to get 100% Achievements

Full list of all 37 FIFA 22 Achievements

If you are interested in a specific achievement, then I recommend you to use the search option. Hold down the «Ctrl» key, and then press «F» and write the exact name of the achievement in the search box

✦ Career

Trust the process

Jump into a Sim match in Career Mode and win it.

Simply start up a new Career mode as a Manager, skip to the first game (whether it is a league game or from the Invitational Cup). Choose to Sim the game and let it run till around the 75th minute, or a bit later and score more goals, ensuring the win and upon completion you will be rewarded with your achievement. On beginner difficulty, you shouldn’t have much trouble.

Favorite One

Achieve Top Manager Rating Values with your current player


Play a season with a newly Created Club

Simply start a new Manager Career Mode, choose to Create Your Club rather than an authentic one. You can leave everything as default in club settings. Once you are in the main HUB, go to the Season tab, then click Calender. Click "LB/L1" to go instantly to June 22, sim to June 30th, letting the whole season skip. Then once the simulation has finished simply advance into the next season.

Total Football

Successfully convert a player to a new position in Career Mode

Simply start a new Career mode as a Manager, chose an Authentic Club and just a random player. Go to the Squad tab, then Squad Hub, choose your player, click Development Plan. Click "RT/R2" to go to Position and simply chose a position. Now you must skip some time (around 28 days), and in the Central tab, in the bottom-right hand corner you will see the Development box that shows your player's position change saying "Completed" with a green tick. Click this box, then click "Y/△" to confirm the position change.

True Challenge

Complete 10 enhanced objectives across all matches

First of all start the career mode and create your own player. Then you can play matches. You get 1 enhanced objective every match, so you have to play 10 matches at least. You can see the objectives in the match when you pause the game.

Objective Driven

Complete a total of 30 objectives across all matches

Maxed Out

Reach Level 25 in the Player Career

You need to create your own player first. Then you can combine this achievement with the "Ture Challenge" and "Objective Driven" achievements.

If you want to combine the achievements you have to play at least 10 matches and complete the objectives. You can play on Beginner and complete the objectives.

The most important part of this solution are the training sessions. You need to do them every week but you can sim them after you choose 3 workout there you get easily a A grade and completed them. Then you got your A grade in the training, you can reload them every week and sim them.

By the end of the third season you will get level 25.

✦ Volta

Volta's best

Reach 90 OVR with your Avatar in VOLTA FOOTBALL

You can get mutiple achievements simultaneously in VOLTA FOOTBALL: "Volta's best", "On the way up" and "Full wardrobe".

"Full wardobe" will be the last achievement you probably need, because to buy 50 items you need to reach arround Level 12.

Level 12 needs 4750 XP.

Here is the trick:

Play Volta Battles -> Select an opponent -> choose difficulty professional to legandary -> play as team -> score 5 own goals in about 20-30 seconds (to skip celebration cutscenes press "RB+LB/R1+L1") -> gain 45XP for a loss -> repeat.

By far the quickest method to gain XP, rank up to level 7 (for the achievement) and beyond to buy items in the Volta-Shop + get Skillpoints every game to get past a player rating of 90.

Shop till you drop

Purchase an item in the VOLTA Store

Load up Volta mode. Select Volta Shop from the 3 options. Pick anything in the store to buy.

Make sure you have some Volta coins first ;)

Fresh Fit

Change an item in the "Outfits" tab

Select Volta mode. After creating your player and selecting skills, you should be at the main menu of Volta. Click the outfit tab and then select outfits. Change your outfit and you will unlock this achievement.

On the way up

Reach Level 7 in a VOLTA Season

Full wardrobe

Unlock 50 different vanity items

You need to see 50/1400 Items in your inventory to get the achievement to pop.

✦ Pro Clubs

Tactical Mastermind

Unlock all the traits within a skill-tree in Pro Clubs

Dream Debut

Complete and win your first Pro Club Seasons league match

Our Club, Our Rules

Play and Complete a Cup House Rules Match in Pro Clubs


Unlock a Specialty in Pro Clubs

For this you must have at least 17 Skill Points (you can see how many Skill Points you have by looking in the top-right hand corner of the Pro Clubs menu). You will start with 10 Skill points, you can get another 9 from playing 5 Drop-In Games.

Simply load up the Pro Clubs menu, under My Pro, click on the right-most box being your character (large box with your level, name, overall and etc). Choose any Play Style, click Attributes then go to the Pace tab and go to the bottom-most skill, Cheetah Archetype. Simply allocate your skill points to this.

✦ Ultimate Team

Squad Building Curriculum

Complete 10 Squad Building Challenges in FIFA Ultimate Team

This is a relatively simple achievement that can be completed by doing any Squad Building Challenges in Ultimate Team. An easy way to do this is to do the Bronze/Silver/Gold upgrade SBCs as they are cheap to do, repeatable and have simple requirements.

Define the Meta

Create your own custom tactic in FIFA Ultimate Team

Simply load up into Ultimate Team, click "LT/L2" and click custom tactics. Change to any game plan (Ultra-Attacking for example) and change up a few things, then back out, saving changes and done!

Bus Parking Simulator

Keep 10 clean sheets in FUT Squad Battles

Club Icon

Reach 200 club appearances with a player in FIFA Ultimate Team

To unlock this you’ll need one player to appear in 200 games for you ultimate team. There’s a few ways you can do this.

The first step, no matter which method you choose, is picking the player you want to rack up 200 appearances. You should probably pick the player in your club that already has the most appearances to save you some time.

You can see how many appearances a player has by pressing the right stick while hovering over the player you want to check.

Method 1: To do this you will need to have a friend or find someone online who already has a player with 200 appearances. All you have to do is go into a co-op game with them in any mode and the achievement will pop at the end of the match (Obviously, your co-op partner will have to use the player with 200 appearances in the game).

Method 2: Go into squad battles and start a match on any difficulty. The second the ball is kicked off, pause the game and forfeit. This will count as an appearance (and a loss for you club). If you care about your teams record or W/L ratio this method is not for you. Rinse and repeat until you reach 200 appearances. This can be done in any mode (rivals, friendlies, etc.) but squad battles is the best option because it is offline and you don’t have to wait to find an opponent. This will eat up your contracts, so make sure you have a bunch.

This achievement is definitely not a fun grind if you use method 2. It uses a ton of contracts and it’s simply not fun to start and game and forfeit 200 times.

Probably, I think it’s best to ignore this achievement until you finish every other FUT achievement. Pick a player that you will keep on your squad. By focusing on other achievements first you will passively complete most of this achievement, leaving you with maybe 50 or so appearances left by the time you’ve completed all other FUT achievements.

Point to Prove

Earn enough FUT Champions Qualification Points to qualify for FUT Champions Play-Offs

To qualify for FUT Champions you need a total of 1,250 FUT Champ Points, these can be earned through playing Division Rival matches. Points are rewarded as followed:

Win - 50 Points

Draw - 25 Points

Lose - 0 Points

You can also get points from your weekly rewards every Thursday. Depending on which division you are in will effect how many points you will be rewarded in your weekly rewards. Division 10 starts at 50 points. If you scored the needed amount of points and there is still no achievement pop, just play one more Division Rivals match.

Winning Mentality

Gain a winstreak in FUT Division Rivals

A win streak begins when you win two consecutive games in a succession. A flame icon will appear on your division progression line. Once you have achieved this, you then have to go on to win yet another game. So all in all you have to win 3 games in a row on Ultimate Team Division Rivals.

True Grit

Reach Milestone 1 in a FUT Division Rivals Season

In Division Rivals. you need to play a certain amount of games to reach a milestone. Each milestone gives different rewards at the end of a season.

To unlock this you currently need to play 20 games in division rivals to reach milestone 1. To see your progress its below play a rivals game in the rivals menu.

Co-op games count so you could buddy up with someone else who needs this.

Design and Conquer

Win 1 Division Rivals match with 4 different Pitch Trophies equipped in your FUT Stadium

You need to win a Division Rivals match with four different pitch trophies equipped on your fut stadium, you need to complete stadium development 3 milestone objectives to unlock then equip.

You have to have a home game and win. If you play in the opponent's stadium, this does not count, even if you win!‎

The hardest objective will be to score a bicycle kick on world class difficulty in squad battles or division rivals, this unlocks VIP trophies. If you pick lowest rated + lowest chemistry teams in squad battles and try to cross behind a player slightly then hold in LT + B together this will do the bicycle kick, looks like and overhead kick. It can be pretty tricky to time right.

Best Seats in the House

Equip a customization item in each of the Stands customization slots of the Tier 3 FUT Stadium

In the Milestones Tab of Objectives, you must complete Stadium Development III (3). In order to do that you must first complete Stadium Development I (1), followed by Stadium Development II (2). Upon completion of the Milestone you must exit to the FUT Home Menu, go to Club, then Stadium, finally Stands.

In this menu simply equip a decoration to every available slot.

✦ Co-Op

My House, My Rules

Play a game using any House Rule in FUT Friendlies

Simply load up Ultimate Team, go to Play, Friendlies, Play a Friend (inviting your friend here) and then set up one of the game modes Swaps. Complete the game (it does not matter if you win or lose, you and your friend will both get it).

Teamwork works

Win a VOLTA SQUADS match with 3 friends

Works with 3 random people in lobby, just make sure you have a full squad before the start.

Be My Guest

Win a Co-Op game in public match-making in FUT

You can find it in the friendly online section amongst the different types of house rules modes, it will be the first one there. Public co-op matchmaking, 2v2 games.

You don't need a co-op partner for this, you actually cannot start this mode with a friend, it will pair you with a random player when you search. The achievement also unlocks if the other team quits mid game.

This mode has also only been enabled temporarily, so it could be removed at anytime!

Friends for Life

Win 10 Co-Op games with online friends in FUT Squad Battles or FUT Division Rivals

Winner Stays

Play 5 H2H matches with a friend in Kick Off

Using two controllers (or 1 controller + keyboard), go to Kick Off, House Rules and First to 1, making it first to 1 goal. Simply score an own goal with Player Two so that your profile gets the win, then restart the match and repeat another 4 times.

✦ Misc

Dead-ball specialist

Score a goal from a Free Kick

Using two controllers (or 1 controller + keyboard), load up a Kick Off game, and using your profile, take the ball to edge of the your opponent's box. Using your second controller, commit a foul. Then Click "RS" to move the keeper as far away from the goal as you can. Again, using your main controller simply shoot (only tap the button) to the opposite side of the goal (away from the keeper). If it doesn't work, just repeat it and it'll go in eventually! Can took 5 even goes...

Intuition and Execution

Win a penalty shoot-out without missing

2 controllers (or 1 controller + keyboard), play now, classic, 4 min, beginner. After that start the game and let the time run out just hold the ball ending regulation time at 0-0. Then select penalty shoot out. Move the goalie out of the way with your second controller and just tap 3 goals in with your main controller. Make sure you miss with your 2nd controller and achievement will unlock.

Training Addict

Complete all Main Menu Skill Games

Just make sure, that you complete every challenge higher than F grade. There aren't any really hard challenges. So, you just have to practice a bit ;)

Clinical finish

Score a goal from a cross when using Player Look

Best way to do this is go into a play now and press both left stick and right stick to player lock.

You will see a cursor above the player to indicate your player locked.

Take the ball towards the opponents net and pass to a teammate right at the top of the box, once your in position press (X/□) so they will cross it to you and (B/○) to shoot.

Bring it on

Play a single player match with the Competitive Master Switch turned ON

Simply play an offline game mode (like Squad Battles or a normal Kick Off game, First to 1 is the fastest). Go to Controller Settings and under the Settings tab, change the Competitive Master Switch to ON. Play the game and at the conclusion of it the achievement will be yours.

European Glory

Win the UEFA Champions League Final

Simply start go to Kick Off, scroll to Champions League and then UCL Final, pick your team and if you like change the Half Length to 4 minutes a half and put the difficulty to one you are comfortable with winning on.


Play a women's International football match

The quickest way to obtain this is - Kick Off - House Rules - First To 1.

To make this even faster, you can set the difficulty to Beginner, and/or by selecting the United States as your team, and versus a lower ranked nation such as Belgium or Portugal.


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