In this guide i'll show you how to get 50-60 more fps in CS:GO without any software!
Launch Options
- Right-click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your game library in the main Steam window
- Select “Properties” in the menu
- A new window will open. Click on the “SET LAUNCH OPTIONS” button
- Another new window will open. In this one, you can set the different launch options. Every new launch option starts with a dash or a plus, DO NOT separate the launch options with a comma or a semicolon, just a space needs to go in between the different launch options.
- Click OK and Close and your all set!
-novid //Disables the game's intro screen saver.-high //Starts the game with a high priority.-threads <number of cores/threads> //The number of processor cores that the game can use.-nod3d9ex //Reduces memory consumption and speeds up switching between windows (alt+tab)-noaafonts //Removes font smoothing.-no joy //Removes gamepad/joystick support.