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All CSGO console commands list


This guide will contain all CS GO console commands

Сonsole commands for training

sv_cheats 1 - Turns on cheat

sv_cheats 0 - Turns off cheat

sv_infinite_ammo 1 - Infinity ammo on (without reload)

sv_infinite_ammo 2 - Infinity ammo on

sv_infinite_ammo 0 - Infinity ammo off

r_drawothermodels 2 - Turns on wall-hack

r_drawothermodels 1 - Turns off wall-hack

god - Turns on and off god-mode

ent_fire player addoutput "health *hp*" - To It gives you more HP

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0" - Turns on aimbot

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 1"- Turns off aimbot

sv_showimpacts 1 - Show bullet impact

sv_showimpacts 0 - Turn off bullet impact

mat_wireframe 1 - Turns on view the wire frame

mat_wireframe 0 - Turns off view the wire frame

sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - Shows the trajectory of the grenade

sv_grenade_trajectory 0 - Turn off trajectory of the grenade

sv_grenade_trajectory_time 5 - Show item trajectory on seconds

weapon_recoil_scale 0 - No recoil (example: weapon)

Сonsole commands for weapons


give weapon_glock18 - Glock-18.

give weapon_hkp2000 - P2000.

give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-P.

give weapon_elite - Dual berettas

give weapon_p250 - P250.

give weapon_fiveseven - Five-seveN.

give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9.

give weapon_cz75a - CZ-75 Auto.

give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle.


give weapon_mac10 - MAC-10.

give weapon_mp9 - MP-9.

give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45.

give weapon_mp7 - MP-7.

give weapon_mp5sd - MP-5SD.

give weapon_p90 - P90.

give weapon_bizon - Bizon-19.


give weapon_famas - FAMAS.

give weapon_galilar - Galil AR.

give weapon_ssg08 - SSG 08.

give weapon_m4a4 - M4A4.

give weapon_m4a1_selincer - M4A1-S.

give weapon_awp - AWP.

give weapon-scar20 -SCAR-20.

give weapon_g3sg1 - G3SG1.

give weapon_aug - AUG.

give weapon_sg553 - SG553.


give weapon_nova - NOVA.

give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014.

give weapon_savedoff - Saved-Off.

give weapon_mag7 - MAG-7.

give weapon_negev - NEGEV.

give weapon_m249 - M249.


give weapon_hegrenade - grenade

give weapon_flashbang- Flashbang

give weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke

give weapon_molotov - Molotov

give weapon_decoy - Decoy


give weapon_healthshot - medishot.

give item_cutters - Defuse kit

give item_defuser - Defuse kit


give weapon_с4 - C4.


give item_assaultsuit - kevlar and helmet

give item_kevlar - kevlar

Danger zone

give weapon_axe - Axe

give weapon_hammer - Hammer

give weapon_spanner- Wrench

give weapon_fists - Fists

give weapon_breachcharge - Breach charge

weapon_tablet - Tablet.

give weapon_shield - Shield

exojump - Exojump

Console commands for servers

sv_forcepreload 1 - the player will enter the game after the data is fully loaded

sv_lan 0 - network

sv_lan 1 - lan

sv_vote_command_delay 1 - time after which the action will take place

sv_vote_creation_timer 5 - Voting duration

sv_vote_failure_timer 10 - configure the ability to repeat voting

sv_vote_allow_in_warmup 0 - let you vote while warmup

sv_vote_allow_spectators 0 - let spectator vote

sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed 1 - let players to vote to kick

sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 20 - How long will it take to enter the player who was kicked out

sv_vote_timer_duration 10 - Voting duration.

sv_specnoclip 1 - Allow the viewer to move freely

sv_specspeed 1 - Spectator speed

sv_showbullethits 0 - Show bullet's impact on the map.

sv_noclipaccelerate 5 - Boost noclip speed

sv_noclipspeed 5 - Noclip speed

sv_specaccelerate 10 - Speed up the spectator

sv_unlockedchapters 99 - Allows background rotation

sv_visiblemaxplayers 64 - Max player's on server

sv_voiceenable 1 - Voice chat on

host_map - Map name

host_sleep *Time* - The amount of time (in ms) to sleep for after each frame

host_workshop_map - Download the latest version of the map and run it

host_timescale 1 - Speeds up server time

host_players_show 2 - This command will set how the playercount is disclosed when your server is queried

mp_roundtime_defuse - Round time bomb (minutes)

mp_roundtime_hostage - Round time hostage map's (minutes)

Console commands for bots

Bot_*weapon*_only - Bots will walk with this weapon

mp_teamname_1 "Name" - Change team name (CT).

mp_teamname_2 "Name" - Change team name (T).

bot_kick - Kick all the bots.

bot_kick_*name* - Only kick that bot.

bot_stop - Bot wont move.

bot_freeze - Bot wont move.

bot_chatter - Bot cant use radio chat.

bot_dont_shoot 1 - Bot wont shot.

bot_dont_shoot 0 - Bot will shot.

bot_difficulty 0/1/2/3 - Set's the difficulty of the bots.

bot_defer_to_human_items 1 - Will pick up bomb.

bot_defer_to_human_items 0 - Wont pick the bomb up.

bot_defer_to_human_goals 1 - will act according to the script.

bot_defer_to_human_goals 0 - wont act according to the script and each of them will dont random job.

bot_quota - will show you how many bots you can spawn.

bot_crouch 1 - Bot will only crouch.

bot_crouch 0 - Bot stops crouching.

Сonsole commands for fun

mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - turn on respawn for CT after death

mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 - turn on respawn for T after death

mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1 - enabling the use of heavy armor

give item_heavyassaultsuit - getting heavy armor with 200 armor

prop_dynamic_create /props_vehicles/helicopter_rescue.mdl - create a helicopterent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 1-100" - Make you Fat or tight

"ent_fire !picker sethealth -1" - kill the player that your aiming at

mp_death_drop_gun 1 - Weapon drops after death

mp_equipment_reset_rounds 1 - Removes equipment from players every round

"ent_create flashbang_projectile"- Spawn flash bang.

"ent_create env_spark; ent_fire env_spark StartSpark" - Place sparks

mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 1 - All the players can get the C4

mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 1 - Cant defuse C4

"ent_create chicken" - Spawn chicken

sv_holiday_mode 1 - Spawn zombie chicken

ent_fire chicken addoutput "modelscale 5" - Chicken size

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 1 - Depends on the Map

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 0 - Draw

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective- 2 Т - T side win's

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 3 CT - Ct side win's

ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 30 -
Plant C4

!self - Only work on self

!picker - Player chosen by aiming at

!player - All player's on that server

r_drawparticles 0 - Off the flash bang and smoke effect

ent_fire player addoutput "health -1" - Freeze the player

ent_fire weapon_(*Weapon name*) addoutput "modelscale (*Size*)" - Change weapon size

example: ent_fire weapon_(ak47) addoutput "modelscale (4)"

sv_precacheinfo - Show crooks and their numbers

ent_fire !self addoutput "modelindex 2" - Change the model

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0"

Change the model your aiming at

fov_cs_debug 120 - Change the Fov

fov_cs_debug 90 - Default Fov

ent_fire planted_c4 addoutput "modelscale 50" - Big C4 size

ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 0.1" - Small player size

ent_create hostage_entity" - Spawns a hostage, Teleport

"writeip; con_logfile cfg/banned_ip.cfg; getpos_exact; con_logfile ." - First we make a point

"exec banned_ip" - to teleport to the point, you must enter

ent_create prop_exploding_barrel - Explosive barrel spawns

mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - turn on respawn for CT after death

mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 - turn on respawn for T after death

mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1 - enabling the use of heavy armor

give item_heavyassaultsuit - getting heavy armor with 200 armor

prop_dynamic_create /props_vehicles/helicopter_rescue.mdl - create a helicopter


ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "2start" - Starts the blades

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "3ready" - Ready to fly

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "4lift" - Rising

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "helicopter_coop_hostagepickup_flyin" - arrives

prop_dynamic_create /props/de_nuke/car_nuke_animation.mdl - Car

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "run" - Rides

prop_dynamic_create maps/de_dust2.bsp - Will spawn the map in the map (crash cs:go)

weapon_recoil_vel_decay -1 - Super mega recoil

clear_bombs - Clean the side

sv_regeneration_force_on - Regeneration hp

"ent_teleport player" - teleport on the crosshair when pressed

debugsystemui - Developer panel

"ent_fire !picker ignite" - set the player on fire that is on your crosshair

prop_dynamic_create player/custom_player/legacy/tm_leet_variantC.mdl - Spawns Terrorist Model

prop_dynamic_create \ghost\ghost.mdl - Spawn a ghost

prop_dynamic_create \f18\f18.mdl - Spawn the plane

prop_dynamic_create \effects\urban_puddle_model01a.mdl - spawns a puddle

prop_physics_create props/cs_italy/bananna.mdl;

ent_fire !picker addoutput "CollisionGroup 2";

ent_fire !picker setparent !activator;

ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0

Spawn a banana on your belt

give env_screenoverlay;

ent_fire env_screenoverlay addoutput "overlayname1 dev\dev_prisontvoverlay002";

ent_fire env_screenoverlay startoverlays- Cosmo ranger helmet

ent_create point_broadcastclientcommand; ent_fire point_broadcastclientcommand command "disconnect #SFUI_MainMenu_Vac_Info" ;

ent_fire point_broadcastclientcommand kill - kick from the server cause VAC - ban

Displays fake drop:

CT - script ScriptPrintMessageChatAll(" \x9 -wait \x01takes out of the case: \x07 АК-47 | Rattletrap")

T - script ScriptPrintMessageChatAll(" \x0A -wait \x01takes out of the case: \x07 АК-47 | Rattletrap")

Console commands for knifes

mp_drop_knife_enable 1 - allows you to throw away the knife

To pick up that knife write
ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"

List of knife names is here:

give weapon_knife_css - Classic knife

give weapon_knife_falchion - Falchion knife

give weapon_knife_tactical - Tactical knife

give weapon_knife_flip - Flip knife

give weapon_knife_push - Shadow daggers knife

give weapon_bayonet - Bayonet knife

give weapon_knife_m9_bayonet - M9 bayonet knife

give weapon_knife_survival_bowie - Bowie knife

give weapon_knife_butterfly - Butterfly knife

give weapon_knife_karambit - Karambit knife

give weapon_knife_gut - Gut knife

give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife - Navaja knife

give weapon_knife_ursus - Ursus knife

give weapon_knife_stiletto - Stiletto knife

give weapon_knife_widowmaker - Talon knife

Console commands for crosshairs

cl_crosshairgap_usewaeponvalue - the crosshair style depends on the weapon.

cl_crosshairsize - Crosshair size.

cl_crosshairdot 1 - Add center dot.

cl_crosshairdot 1 - Remove center dot.

cl_crosshairthickness - Crosshai thickness.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline - Outline around the crosshair.

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness - Outline thickness.

cl_crosshaircolor 0 up tp 5 - Change crosshair color.

cl_crosshairstyle 0 up tp 5 - Change crosshair style.

cl_crosshairusealpha 0 or 1 - Crosshair visibility.

cl_crosshairalpha от 0 up to 255 - Crosshair transparency.

cl_crosshairgap _ size - Distances between divisions of sight.

Console commands for Bhop

sv_staminamax 0;

sv_staminajumpcost 0;

sv_staminalandcost 0;

sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;

sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;

sv_autobunnyhopping 1;

sv_airaccelerate 2000;

sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;

sv_maxvelocity 3500

Console commands for HUD

HUD Colors:

cl_hud_color 0 - Grey

cl_hud_color 1 - White

cl_hud_color 2 - Light blue

cl_hud_color 3 - Blue

cl_hud_color 4 - Purple

cl_hud_color 5 - Red

cl_hud_color 6 - Orange

cl_hud_color 7 - Yellow

cl_hud_color 8 - Light Green

cl_hud_color 9 - Turquoise

cl_hud_color 10 - Pink

cl_righthand 0 - Left hand

cl_righthand 1 - Right hand

viewmodel_presetpos 2 - Big size of weapon

viewmodel_presetpos 3 - Classic size of weapon

viewmodel_fov 55 - zooming in / out of the weapon model on the screen (minimum value-54, maximum value 68)

viewmodel_offset_x 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis X

viewmodel_offset_y 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis Y

viewmodel_offset_z 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis Z

cl_radar_scale - Mini map zoom ( 0.25 up to 1)

cl_radar_icon_scale_min - changes the player's point on the map ( 0.4 up to 1)

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 1 - radar turns to square when score table opens

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 0 - returns to standard form

[*[b]cl_radar_rotate 1
[/b]- radar rotate with player's movement's

cl_radar_rotate 0 - Radar wont rotate

cl_radar_always_centered 0 - the radar camera moves following the movement of the character

cl_radar_always_centered 1 - the radar camera is stationary

cl_hud_radar_scale - changes the size of the radar ( 0.8 up to 1.3)

cl_hud_playercount_pos 1 - the panel with the number of players at the bottom

cl_hud_playercount_pos 0 - the panel with the number of players at the top

cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1 - if you got the C4 it is under radar

cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 0 - If you are with C4, it appears at the right edge along with the rest of the weapon

hud_scaling ( 0.5 up to 0.95) - changes the entire interface along with the radar ( 0.5 up to 0.95)

cl_hud_healthammo_style 1 - only numbers are displayed in the health and armor panel

cl_hud_healthammo_style 0 - the health and armor panel displays a scale and numbers

cl_showloadout 1 - weapon icons are displayed

cl_showloadout 0 - weapon icons are not displayed

Console commands for mouse

m_forward 1 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for the forward speed of the mouse

m_mouseaccel1 0 - mouse acceleration in windows, initial threshold (2x movements)

m_mouseaccel2 0 - mouse acceleration in windows, medium threshold (4x movements)

m_mousespeed 1 - mouse acceleration factor in Window

m_customaccel_max 0 - maximum acceleration proportionality factor

m_customaccel_scale 0.04 - normal (standard) value of mouse acceleration

m_pitch 0.022 - mouse inverted (Disabled)

sensitivity 2 - Sets the mouse sens

m_customaccel 0 - Disables mouse acceleration

m_customaccel_exponent 0 - disable acceleration proportional factor measurement

m_rawinput 1 - direct mouse connection that ignores the control panel settings in the OS

m_side 0.8 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for mouse movement speed

m_yaw 0.022 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for the speed of turns left-right

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