I wrote a little program for automatic recovery of corrupted save file or to transfer save file to another Steam account.
Recovery of corrupted save file:
- Backup your save file(it is usually found in the path: C:\Users\%your_username%\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing\%your_steamid%\ER0000.sl2)
- Launch the program ERSR.exe
- Enter your Steam ID (name of the folder that contains your save file)
- Select your save file for repair
- Select the required save slots (by default, this is the first character slot)
- Press Run
- Don’t press any buttons on your keyboard or mouse to not interrupt the script
- After process is completed, you can close the program and start the game.
To use your save file on a different steam account:
- Follow instructions on top and in the program use desired Steam ID
One condition
Chance of recovery is not 100%, but I hope it will help someone.
Download the program from here:
by Spaik