This path will take you from the "First Steps" Point of Grace just as you exit the tutorial, all the way to the Altus Plateau Capital region WITHOUT having to do any Main-Story Bosses or collect elevator key pieces. Was able to complete this circuit in under 3 hours without skipping mobs, But I'm sure it can be cleared much faster then that.
This is useful for getting a fresh character or NewGame+ character through the majority of the map zones quickly and efficiently.
The Path To Take
Proceed to the STORM SHACK immediately after unlocking the mount and grabbing the crafting kit and any other items of note.
From the Storm Shack Grace near Stormveil Castle you go up the stone path like your going into the Stormveil Castle but you break right and go under the huge stone bridge arches instead of going up to the castle. This will eventually lead to a broken bridge.
When you get to the bridge jump down the rubble carefully and follow the Mountain Path left until you get to the second major zone with the swamp.
When in the swamp go North East to the gap in the mountain that leads to CARIAN STUDY HALL but turn left (North) once you go through the mountain pass instead and head towards towards the AINSEL RIVER WELL.
Take the path to the left of AINSEL RIVER WELL on the map up north through the Mountain Passes, Once through it you should be near BELLUM CHURCH.
Then go North of BELLUM CHURCH there will be an area where you can jump down onto stone platforms jutting out from the mountain wall on the left. These will take you into the River Below.
Once down there you ride North East to the Site of Grace and Swamp Shack. There is a ladder behind the shack to the right attached to some scaffold. Climb the ladder and go through the caves to the RUIN-STREWN PRECIPICE. Run through the PRECIPICE until you come out the other side.
Once through there you should come outside into the grassy Plateau follow the path northeast to enter the ALTUS PLATEAU CAPITAL ZONE.